Nozzle selection is important to getting the job done. Different nozzles spray patterns do different things inside a pipe. Jets that are angled closer to the center line of the hose or parallel with the hose’s center have “more pulling power” which is necessary to tow the hose down the pipe. Swing the jet angle wider (pointed more directly at the pipe walls), and they are more effective at cleaning the pipe. Conversely, as a nozzle has better cleaning power, it has less pulling power.
The most commonly used nozzle for flushing is the Ram nozzle. With the pulse turned off, it travels down the line the fastest. When the pulse is on, the nozzles hit the blockage with a pounding action like a jackhammer. The Laser nozzle can cut its way through blockages. Use the Corner nozzles to get around tight bends or tees. When encountering a blockage, it reacts the same as a Ram nozzle.
The nozzle set we offer with each jetter is custom drilled to maximize the cleaning output of the equipment. Hot Jet nozzles are fully industrial grade and made to operate at 10,000 PSI and guaranteed for 1 year. This nozzle set will take care of most blockages, general cleaning and side pipe cleaning. It includes Laser, Ram Flusher and Spinner / Polisher.
As a general rule –
- You bore past the obstruction using the Laser / Penetrator nozzle before bringing the hose back slowly to do the actual cleaning. It is best to work from the downstream side of the pipe so the flow comes back toward you. Schedule a minimum 1:3 ratio time wise for most effective cleaning. For example, if it takes five minutes to bore through the obstruction, bring the hose back three times slower (fifteen minutes for cleaning and flushing). All experienced technicians understand that extra time is needed during the withdrawal state.
- Next use the Ram / Flusher to clean sidewalls fast.
- Finally use the Roto Jet Spinner nozzle to polish sidewalls of the pipe.
Many “Rooter” companies choose to clean only with a Warthog nozzle – which is fine if you slowly allow the nozzle to work up the line. They are famous for root cutting, grease removal, and most blockages due to the power of the rotation and concentration of the jets. . . However, if you camera the line after using the Warthog on a heavy grease laden line, you will see the side marks of the rear jets on the sides of the pipes if you allow the nozzle to work too fast. We recommend using either the Warthog or the Laser style to bore through obstructions, then follow it with the Flusher nozzle and then the Pipe Cleaner nozzle (Roto Jet Spinner). This will leave the pipe spotless!
A flushing nozzle “Ram”, which has all rear jet orifices, delivers maximum propulsion or “pull” and maximum flushing upon return. These are best used for slow drains obstructed by grease or mud or muck. A laser or thrusting tip is designed for drilling holes in blockage; it has one forward jet and several rear jets. For cutting through ice, more forward jets (three at about ten degrees off center) are needed initially, then change to a flushing or laser tip to clean out. Revolving nozzles that are more aggressive and spin (Warthog nozzle). These are frequently used to cut through roots. Spinner nozzles are used to “polish” the inside of the pipe after it has been cleaned and flushed.
Obtaining peak cleaning performance depends on two critical factors. First is the selection of the correct spray angle (or multiple angles) for the job. Second is matching the total orifice area to the pumps capabilities.
Every jetter has a certain amount of flow and pressure output. That output represents the maximum potential energy available for cleaning activity. When the total orifice area is matched to the pump’s specifications, all the available energy is harnessed. However, if the total orifice area is not properly matched then performance suffers. If the total orifice area is too small, the system back pressure prevents full use of the available system energy. Likewise, if the total orifice area is too large, jet velocity and therefore pulling power are reduced.
The correct drilling of a nozzle’s orifices assures that all of the pump’s energy is utilized. How that energy is utilized depends on the angle selection. For example, a long run will require a nozzle with more pulling power, so a 25° or 35° angle might be necessary . A totally blocked line will require a forward jet in combination with high thrust jets to break through the obstruction. Once a channel has been cut, switching to a flushing nozzle (45° or 55°) is useful for clearing the line. The drawing and table explain the various angle options and their functions.
Jet Angle | Angle Function |
0° | Forward facing for maximum blockage penetration, used in combination with a high thrust angle |
25° | Energy is used primarily for pulling power on longer runs with minimal flushing action |
35° | ECombination flushing / thrusting action with more pulling power for use on longer runs |
45° | High flushing action with reduced pulling power |
55° | Energy is used primarily for “sweeping” of pipe walls with minimal pulling power |
90° | Used primarily on RJ (rotor jet) nozzles to provide a polishing action (must be combined with a thrust angle in order to create pulling action. In special cases, this angle can be added to BN or J type nozzles to aid in navigation of tight corners |
The Thruster has a 25 degree angle for maximum pulling power. Use in a plugged line situation or for runs greater than 150 ft. Pattern: 1 forward jet (optional), 3 to 6 rear jets.
The Flusher has a 45 degree angle with good pulling power. Use for runs up to 100 ft. A good general purpose cleaning nozzle. Pattern: 1 forward jet (optional), 6 to 12 rear jets.
45° flushing angle with 3 forward jets for loosening hard grease or ice. Useful for pushing debris forward. Limited distance capabilities. Pattern: 3 forward @ 10° and 6 rear jets @ 45°.
The Rotary Jet (“RJ”) is a revolving nozzle utilizing the combined forces of 0° & 45° angles rotating under pressure, creating a continuous “wall of water” to maximize line restoration. A valuable feature of the RJ is the field replaceable rotor which extends the nozzle’s service life. Each and every RJ sewer nozzle is tested before shipment to assure it’s rotational capabilities.
The Warthog sewer nozzle is one of the most powerful and most sought after tools in the jetting industry. These nozzles are capable of withstanding high pressures and large volumes of water which is critical to efficient operation. Fully serviceable in the field to minimize downtime and maximize performance. We offer complete service and seal kits, tool kits, and attack tips to keep your nozzles up and running. Call for more details on repair parts. Use with small cart mounted jetters to large trailer mounted versions.
The Warthog family of sewer nozzles is a premium choice. Several models are available for pump ranging in pressures from 2,000 – 8,000 PSI and 4 – 80 GPM flow rates. We match your Warthog sewer nozzle to your pump to ensure maximum productivity. These nozzles utilize fewer jets so the power from the jets is concentrated for best surface cleaning results. Warthog nozzles have a patented controlled rotation using a viscous fluid governor that allows the jets to deliver their full power and increasing control. Front jets are 15 degrees off center creating a powerful front end that cuts through roots, sediments, grease and other blockages with ease. Back jets rotate to flush out debris and blockage loosed by the forward jets. Made of the finest steels and corrosion resistant alloys, the nozzles are completely serviceable.